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Contact us

Capital Community Radio Inc.

ABN: 84 705 840 024

Wireless Hill Park
ARDROSS, Western Australia

Postal address:
PO Box 1388,
Western Australia, 6954

Telephone: (08) 9364 9888

General enquiries: email to General enquiry (info@capitalcommunityradio.com).

Sports news: email to Sports News (sportnews@capitalcommunityradio.com).

Sponsorship enquiries: Complete the Sponsorship Enquiry form

Feedback: Provide feedback to us by completing the Feedback form

Website feedback: Please provide suggestions or errors found on the website to the Webmaster (webmaster@capitalcommunityradio.com).

Community service announcements: Requests for announcements are accepted from not-for-profit, volunteer-driven groups whose activities are of benefit to the community. The request should say the ‘who, what, where and when’ of the event or service, and should be emailed to Community Service Announcement (info@capitalcommunityradio.com). The request can also be made in writing, preferably typed but at least hand printed, and should be posted to Capital Community Radio, PO Box 1388, Booragoon, WA 6954.